Hello everyone! Although this past week has been about maths and pi, I don’t want this weekly recommendation to be packed with all that mathematics. Instead, what about some psychology?
The Diving Bell And The Butterfly
By Jean-Dominique Bauby

Due to a rare stroke in the brainstem, Jean-Dominique Bauby was almost completely sealed away from the world. Fortunately, his left eye could still function properly, and used them to select alphabets and express himself. This is a true story from the perspective of someone who was diagnosed with locked-in syndrome.
The Boy Who Was Raised As A Dog: And Other Stories From A Child Psychiatrist’s Notebook By Bruce D. Perry

If you’re into more of the scientific and neurological part of psychology, this is the book for you. Through numerous case studies from a child psychiatrist, Bruce D. Perry explores loss, love and healing in a child’s development, including someone who is hungry for love, and stories about children in the Davidian cult.

Have you ever wondered about the Trolley Problem? Would you pull the lever to save five people or leave them to die? This YouTube account carries out psychological research into problems like these, with detailed procedures and interesting outcomes. If you are interested in psychology, this is the right thing for you!
The Big 5 Personality Test

Everyone knows about 16 personalities, and here’s another personality test - the Big 5. This is often used in research and tells you where you fit on the personality system.