This week’s funny papers are about famous explorers! Take a venture into a sea of information you might not have known about before.
Fun Facts
Christopher Columbus wasn’t actually a real name- it was an anglicization of his real name, given to him in Genoa: Cristoforo Colombo.
Amelia Earhart hoped to be the first woman to circumnavigate the globe: however, her radio lost contact mid-flight on June 2 1937 and she was never seen again.
Francis Magellan, who achieved the first European navigation from the Atlantic to Asia, travelled with large amounts of alcohol on board. He reportedly spent more money on alcohol than actual weapons.
The game Marco Polo originates from the actual explorer Marco Polo, who got into an unfortunate accident with his family and fell off a boat in the chaos of a storm. When the family realised that he fell, they called out ‘Marco!’ and he replied with ‘Polo!’
Trivia Questions
How many cities did Alexander the Great found that were named after him?
Which navigator carried out the second circumnavigation of the world in a single expedition?
Word Search


Trivia Answers
Francis Drake
Word Search Answers
